Category Archives: News

Acharya – Dharma, Natural Law: A Remedy to the Spiritual Crisis in the West?


Acharya interviewed on Dharma on Red Ice Radio.

Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya is the author of The Dharma Manifesto and the leader of the Dharma Nation movement. In this amazing interview, he discusses many topics, including: ancient forms of spirituality; Natural Law and Natural Order; the deep connections between pre-Christian European spirituality and Sanatana Dharma; the evils of Abrahamism; contemporary politics; defeating the New World Order; the Golden Age; and many other topics. You don’t want to miss this interview!

Watch ‘Acharya – Dharma, Natural Law: A Remedy to the Spiritual Crisis in the West?’

Interview with a Vedic Guru

Watch 'Interview with a Vedic Guru'

Sri Acharyaji interviewed about his book ‘The Dharma Manifesto‘ on the Survive the Jive show

In this fascinating interview, Acharya is asked about the contemporary political scene in Europe and America; the rise of Nationalism; the Trump presidency; the ancient connections between Sanatana Dharma and European Paganism; Natural Law; and many other topics.

Watch ‘Interview with a Vedic Guru

Alex Jones & Acharya

AJ&SA_CroppedAlex Jones with Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya, author of The Dharma Manifesto.

Alex Jones read The Dharma Manifesto over a year ago and was blown away by the book. He was also extremely impressed by the book’s brilliant author when they first met in 2015.

Acharyaji was interviewed by Alex Jones (a major alternative media figure) for about two hours on April 8th, 2016 in Austin, TX. This important interview will be the first interview of a new series that Alex Jones is launching in which he speaks with cutting edge alternative thinkers and spiritual leaders about world issues. He chose Acharyaji as the very first person to speak to for this new series! The interview will be aired in May and potentially be seen by millions of viewers.

The Ides of March

Ides of March

Tuesday, March 15th is the Ides of March. In America, it is also “Super Tuesday II”, the day in which multiple states will be conducting primaries for the Republican and Democratic parties. Voters in Florida, Illinois, Missouri, North Carolina and Ohio will be going to the polls to elect their parties’ nominees for President of the United States. Most analysts are in agreement that tomorrow will serve to winnow the field of candidates considerably, perhaps even revealing conclusively who the likely nominees will be. At a minimum, Marco Rubio and John Kasich are expected to abandon the race. On March 16th, we will be providing our own analysis of the primary results from a Vedic perspective.

The Sikh Temple Shooting

On Sunday, August 5th, a psychopathic coward opened fire on a Sikh temple in the state of Wisconsin, killing six innocent worshipers before he himself was gunned down by police officers. One heroic police officer, Lt. Brian Murphy, was shot by this coward nine times and is currently in the hospital. As officer Murphy lay bleeding on the ground, he insisted that the medical responders take care of the wounded Sikh parishioners first before treating his own wounds.

In his courageous heroism and selfless actions, Lt. Brian Murphy represents everything that Dharma stands for.  We wish him a speedy recovery.

The Dharma Nation Movement vociferously and unequivocally condemns this cowardly and meaningless act of violence. Regardless of one’s political or ideological beliefs, terroristic violence against innocent civilians can never be justified. Despite the amoral pronouncements of such ethically shallow ideologies as Marxism and other anti-Dharmic movements, the ends never justify the means. It is for this reason that the Dharma Nation Movement, since its very inception, has followed a rigid policy of always observing the highest ethical behavior possible in the pursuit of our peaceful political ends.

The ends never justifies the means.

Our prayers and well wishes go out to all the victims of this tragedy.

Aurora, Colorado Shootings

We offer our deepest prayers and condolences for the victims of the Aurora, Colorado shootings, and for the eventual healing of their families and loved ones.

At all times, upon all sentient beings everywhere, may peace prevail.

Aum Shanti Shanti Shantihi.

USDA Prepares to Green-Light Gnarliest GMO Soy Yet

In early July, on the sleepy Friday after Independence Day, the USDA quietly signaled its intention to green-light a new genetically engineered soybean seed from Dow AgroSciences. The product is designed to produce soy plants that withstand 2,4-D, a highly toxic herbicide (and, famously, the less toxic component in the notorious Vietnam War-era defoliant Agent Orange).


Putin Says the West is on the Decline

(Reuters) – President Vladimir Putin said on Monday the West’s influence was waning as its economy declines but warned Russian diplomats to be on their guard against a backlash from Moscow’s former Cold War enemies.

In a biennial speech to Russian ambassadors, Putin also took a shot at the West by condemning any unilateral actions to solve international disputes and underlined the importance of resolving such conflicts through the United Nations.

His remarks suggested that Russia, a veto-wielding permanent member of the Security Council, would keep on defending ally Syria at the United Nations over its military crackdown on an popular uprising that has evolved into an armed insurgency.


Natural, Organic Items Spread in Supermarkets

There seems to be a race to pure foods among the nation’s largest supermarkets as they ramp up their offerings, even launch their own brands of organics and naturals, and then heavily advertise the healthy choice.

It all makes sense, considering sales of this segment of groceries are outpacing traditional grocery sales.

Nationwide, natural and organic food sales grew 8 percent in 2010 versus the less than 1 percent growth in the $630 billion total U.S. food market, according to the Nutrition Business Journal. It grew at about a 5 percent rate each year from 2005 to 2009.

With that growth and popularity comes a definite consumer advantage: Slowly but surely, the price of natural foods is falling.

“Our whole food culture is moving in a direction of less preservatives, less processed and just the whole ingredient count is so much more on people’s minds.”


Shop Small Businesses

Right & Left Unite Against Bilderberg

Protest NWOA protest targeting a secretive meeting of powerful international leaders entered a third day Saturday, with numbers swelling well into the hundreds.

Clear skies and pleasant temperatures made for a picnic-like atmosphere as a mix of Ron Paul supporters, members of the 9/11 truth movement and a smattering of Occupy protesters gathered outside the Westfield Marriott hotel in Chantilly, Virginia where members of the Bilderberg group are meeting.

The demonstration has been growing in numbers since early in the week, with Saturday being the most well-attended day of action by far.

Scores of protesters gathered at the entrance of the hotel, launching into a chorus of jeers each time a vehicle suspected of carrying Bilderberg attendees entered or exited the property.

“Get out of our country,” yelled one. “Traitor,” screamed another.