Tag Archives: yoga

The Highest Path of Yoga

The integral path of Yoga is both a profoundly coherent philosophical world-view, as well as the most practical system for achieving self-realization and God-consciousness available in the world. In this livestream discourse, Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya shares with us the most immediate benefits to be derived from practicing the full Yoga system with daily dedication.

“Only when manas (mind) with thoughts and the five senses stand still, and when buddhi (intellect, power to reason, wisdom faculty) does not waver, that they call the highest path. That is what one calls Yoga, the stillness of the senses, concentration of the mind. It is not thoughtless, heedless sluggishness. Yoga is creation and dissolution.” (Katha Upanishad, 2.6.10-11)

“Pleasure and pain results from contact of soul, sense, mind and object. Non-origination of that follows when the mind becomes steady in the soul. After this, there is non-existence of pain in the embodied soul. This is that Yoga.” (Vaiśeṣika Sūtra, 5.2.15-5.2.16)

Alex Jones & Acharya

AJ&SA_CroppedAlex Jones with Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya, author of The Dharma Manifesto.

Alex Jones read The Dharma Manifesto over a year ago and was blown away by the book. He was also extremely impressed by the book’s brilliant author when they first met in 2015.

Acharyaji was interviewed by Alex Jones (a major alternative media figure) for about two hours on April 8th, 2016 in Austin, TX. This important interview will be the first interview of a new series that Alex Jones is launching in which he speaks with cutting edge alternative thinkers and spiritual leaders about world issues. He chose Acharyaji as the very first person to speak to for this new series! The interview will be aired in May and potentially be seen by millions of viewers.

March 15th Primary Analysis

march 15 primaries


March 15th Primary Analysis

Five states (Florida, Illinois, Missouri, North Carolina and Ohio) held their primaries yesterday.

On the Democratic side, despite his seeming popularity with Millennials and many trade union members, Bernie Sanders lost all five states to Hillary Clinton. Despite not winning any states, however, he came extremely close to winning in several of these states (specifically Illinois and Missouri).

Given the deep corruption and criminal activity that is systemic to the Clinton machine, this development does not bode well for the future of the Democratic party. Of the two contenders for the Democratic nomination, Sanders is arguably the more sincere, populist and honest. Sanders represents a voice of hope; whereas Clinton represents a whine of entitlement. Indeed, as has been pointed out repeatedly by many political pundits, it cannot even be assured that Hillary Clinton (the only candidate on either side who is currently being actively investigated by the FBI) won’t be formally charged with serious crimes before the general election is even over!

On the Republican side, Donald Trump also swept the field, winning four of the five states up for grabs last night. In what has now been the final nail in the coffin of Marco Rubio’s campaign, Trump even beat Rubio in his own state of Florida – and by almost 19% points! As we predicted, Rubio has already suspended his campaign and very wisely (if not soon enough) dropped out of the race.

The slight surprise of the evening was how well John Kasich did in the state of Ohio (of which he is the Governor). This win (his only win in the entire primary season thus far!) now has Republican establishment supremos and donors flocking to his banner as the newly anointed “only person who can stop Trump“. Of course, Jeb Bush was supposed to have been the establishment’s great hope to beat Trump…and then Marco Rubio…and now…the one state wonder known as John Kasich.

Our guess is that this thoroughly corrupt and out of touch Republican establishment will eventually find themselves on their tenth great hope as the “only person who can stop Trump” deep into Donald Trump’s second term as President of the United States.

To the hearty celebration of all supporters of Dharma everywhere, fundamentalist Evangelical fanatic Ted Cruz lost every single state he campaigned in last night. Like Marco Rubio, it would be wise for Cruz to drop out now, rather than face greater embarrassment later – and perhaps even the final end of his political career entirely.

But very few have ever accused Ted Cruz of being wise.

Neither Left Nor Right!


Sri Acharyaji – Author of ‘The Dharma Manifesto’ – in New York City

“The terms ‘left-wing’ and ‘right-wing’ have historically signified no more than an artificial political dichotomy imposed upon the public by a corrupt and controlling establishment. Anyone thinking in such contrived terms today is living in the past. The only real dichotomy of any valuable relevance in today’s political realm is not Left versus Right, but the People versus the Establishment.”

– Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya




The Dharma Manifesto is a call to action for those who seek a form of social and political action that has a firm spiritual foundation, but which also challenges the prevailing social and religious order in the postmodern West. It does not merely offer criticism – it is also a blueprint for how a national community founded upon Dharmic principles could operate in the twenty-first century. Its author defines the term “Dharma,” which in the ancient Sanskrit language means “Natural Law,” in an unconventional way. For those who embrace Dharma Nationalism, Dharma is predicated upon the pressing need for the organic and munificent re-sacralization of culture and of all human endeavor, as well as the manifestation of the highest potentials attainable by every individual in society in accordance with transcendental principles. Thus, Dharma does not only refer to traditions with which it is usually associated such as Hinduism and Buddhism, but also to the Taoist, Confucian, Zoroastrian, Native American, and European pagan traditions, all of which, this book holds, share a common, basic worldview. This book is therefore a resource for those who want to carry out both an inward, contemplative revolution within themselves as well an outer, social revolution in the world around them, in harmony with one another. It is intended to serve as a systematic program signaling the beginning of a what will hopefully be a new era in humanity’s eternal yearning for meaningful freedom and happiness.


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