Tag Archives: acharya

Alex Jones & Acharya

AJ&SA_CroppedAlex Jones with Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya, author of The Dharma Manifesto.

Alex Jones read The Dharma Manifesto over a year ago and was blown away by the book. He was also extremely impressed by the book’s brilliant author when they first met in 2015.

Acharyaji was interviewed by Alex Jones (a major alternative media figure) for about two hours on April 8th, 2016 in Austin, TX. This important interview will be the first interview of a new series that Alex Jones is launching in which he speaks with cutting edge alternative thinkers and spiritual leaders about world issues. He chose Acharyaji as the very first person to speak to for this new series! The interview will be aired in May and potentially be seen by millions of viewers.

The Ides of March

Ides of March

Tuesday, March 15th is the Ides of March. In America, it is also “Super Tuesday II”, the day in which multiple states will be conducting primaries for the Republican and Democratic parties. Voters in Florida, Illinois, Missouri, North Carolina and Ohio will be going to the polls to elect their parties’ nominees for President of the United States. Most analysts are in agreement that tomorrow will serve to winnow the field of candidates considerably, perhaps even revealing conclusively who the likely nominees will be. At a minimum, Marco Rubio and John Kasich are expected to abandon the race. On March 16th, we will be providing our own analysis of the primary results from a Vedic perspective.

The Vedic Art of Leadership

Whether we refer to the unprecedented problems we are experiencing in the economy, on the political scene, or in the rapid degeneration of cultural, social and spiritual standards, we know that we are living in an era of tremendous global crisis. As Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya explains in this timely and important video, the root cause of all these peripheral crises can be directly attributed to a deep crisis in leadership. We are lacking able leaders. We are, today, lacking credible political, spiritual and cultural leaders who are equipped to lead us out of the darkness and into the light. In this bold presentation, Sri Acharyaji explains to us the current crisis that we are facing, how our leadership has fallen far short in their sacred duty toward their people, and what must be done to create a future leadership that will ensure the rebirth of spiritual civilization and a more just world. If you are currently occupying a leadership position, if you aspire to someday become a leader, or if you understand the importance of leadership during this time of global crisis, you must see this greatly enlightening video today.