Understanding the Meaning of AUM

AUM (sometimes misspelled “om”) is neither a New Age invention, nor an incomprehensible mystery, but rather represents the very sound representation of the omnipresence of God Himself. In this livestream discourse, Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya provides an exhaustive and conclusive explanation of the meaning of the mantra AUM as revealed in the Vedic scriptures.

“By virtue of a little understanding of Aum a person returns to earth after death. By virtue of a greater understanding he attains to the celestial sphere. By virtue of a complete understanding he learns what is known only to the seers (rishis). The sage, with the help of Aum, reaches Brahman, the fearless, the undecaying, the immortal!” (Prashna Upanishad, 5.6-7)

“Affix to the Upanishad, which is the incomparable bow, the sharp arrow of devotional worship. Then, with mind absorbed and heart melted in love, draw the arrow and hit the mark – the imperishable Brahman (God). Aum is the bow, the arrow is the individual being, and Brahman is the target. With a tranquil heart, take aim. Lose the arrow of your self in Him, even as the arrow is lost in the target.” (Mundaka Upanishad, 2:2:3-4)

“Within the lotus of the heart he dwells, where, like the spokes of a wheel in its hub, the nerves meet. Meditate on him as Aum. Easily may you cross the sea of darkness.” (Mundaka Upanishad, 2:2:6)

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